My sweet Mama and I share a love for antiquing. One of our favorite towns in the area, Sebastopol, has a plethora of adorable little antique shops and vintage stores. I took a couple of pictures perusing around today. I need to make a habit of this!
I'm almost always attracted to this color blue.
Especially around Christmas time.
Blue lights are my favorite!
John Grisham, a local home-stater.
Oh! The color! Divine.
Flowers are in bloom in NoCal!
I bought a blue Ball mason jar similar to this one for 6 bucks.
I love a good bargain.
I was trying to snap a picture of the broken up spider web.
I wonder how old these gumballs are?
No way was I going to show you my swollen eyes.
Allergy season has taken ahold of my face and won't let go. :(
I'm pretty dern lazy when it comes to working out. I really don't. Ever. I own a beautiful Raleigh Venture 2.0 bike that I fondly call, Red Velvet. She gets her wheels spinning about once a month. Now my main forms of working out are my computer chair workouts and walking. Back in the day, during my competition cheerleading years, I was so fit guys were jealous of my abs. Yep. Those were the days. To this day, cheerleading is one of the two workouts I have ever enjoyed. Dancing is the other.
F.L.Y. - "Swag Surfin"
This one has been circulating on my playlists for years. I was introduced to this song at a club in Mississippi I attended for an AKA Party. This dance is easy to do while sitting down, and if you do it enough it can feel like doing a Tracy Anderson workout!
(I mean, come on, they mention Patti Mayonnaise!)
Goldfrapp - "Beautiful"
I've always considered Goldfrapp my go-to music for primping. Listening to them will make you feel instantly more lively. (If you like this song, I suggest checking out 'Twist', 'Oh La La', and 'Rocket.')
Los Campsinos - "You! Me! Dancing!"
This next video is not only visually stimulating, but so much fun to dance around to. Definitely gets your creative juices flowin'.
(You might have heard this song on a number of commercials.)
Dev - "Booty Bounce"
Great style and a great beat! I play this on repeat when I'm looking for style inspiration. And when I'm living out my white girl rapper fantasies.
(NSFW; I'm uber jealous of those legs!)
Muscles - "Ice Cream"
This one is a little tricky. It has the beat for a great workout, but it's sending you messages that ice cream will save your day. Hmmm, I'm on the fence about recommending this one. Dooce suggested this song YEARS ago and I have loved it ever since. I am so happy she finally started including a weekly music post on her blog.
(Check out "Sweaty" if you are down for a song by him that is NSFW.)
I hope you enjoyed at least one of these songs. My taste in music is pretty broad. Please feel free to share your favorite workout songs (or any songs in general)!
I came across this challenge on Yahoo! today. I think this would be a great "game" for Mr. Lifetime and I to play when he comes to visit me at the end of this month. Allowing someone to pick out your outfit for a full day requires a ton of trust. I sure hope he doesn't put me in a bathing suit.
I didn't get out of bed until noon today. GASP! I know. I have a major sleeping problem. Did I mention I fell asleep at 9 last night? I did wake up at 1 expecting it to be 7 in the morning. 1 in the morning is a perfect time to catch up on gossip blogs. I guess I give in almost daily. Maybe I should have a mid-year lent and give up sleeping in. What time do you feel I should start my day?
Arcade Fire - "Rebellion"
Sleeping is giving in,
no matter what the time is.
Sleeping is giving in,
so lift those heavy eyelids.
Mr. Lifetime Movie and I are officially dating. I am new to this long distance relationship thing. Does anyone have any advice for me?
He asked me a week ago today.
I woke up this morning with a VERY, very sweet surprise at my door.
2 dozen multi-colored roses!
This guy is Good. (With a capital "G")
Here are his official stats:
Mr. Lifetime
Sign: Cancer (Same sign as me. Is this a bad thing?) Years Months Known: 2 1/2
Quick Facts: Lives in Chicago, is working towards his Masters in Social Work, and has an identical twin brother!
I just got back from a 4 day long vacation in Chicago to visit the boy I met at Mardi Gras.
Sounds like the beginning to a horrid lifetime serial killer movie, very a la Craigslist Killer.
It was a lovely time. I didn't realize I could do something so spontaneous in the relationship department. I feel that I will always learn something about myself. No matter what age I am. Thankfully, the pressure just didn't feel intense to me. I even met half of his family and almost all of his local friends. Have you ever traveled a long distance for a guy? How long had you known him?
It went so well he has already booked his trip to come visit at the end of this month. I have a feeling my pocket book is not going to like me at the end of this summer.
I miss the road trips I took in college. This song in particular reminds me of driving to Atlanta for long weekends. Anyone else miss Rilo Kiley as much as I do?
Rilo Kiley - "Portions for Foxes"
--There's blood in my mouth 'cause I've been biting my tongue all week--